“Barquitos de papel” thumbnail

“Barquitos de papel”

08 may 2024 8:56 pm


"Navegantes: Inspirado en The Tall Ships Races en aguas escandinavas"

Título: “Barquitos de papel”

Técnica: Chinese ink on watercolor paper, framed in glass and wood


Sin marco: 29,7 x 42 cms

Con marco 49 x 56,5 cms

From the dawn of my childhood, when I was just emerging into the world, I learned the art of creating tiny paper boats. Each fold, each groove, carefully carved into sheets of newspaper, became small boats that sailed through imaginary seas. In those dreamy days, time slid smoothly, like water under the bow of my creations, and I found my most faithful company in drawing and simplicity.

Then, in a twist of fate, my father revealed to me the secret of paper airplanes. Thus, between boats and aircraft, my imagination rose to new heights, forming an army of dreams in the infinite sky of childhood. Times of magic, times of longing, that live in the hearts of those of us who had the privilege of living them.

This work is an echo of those golden days, a hymn to creativity that knows no borders or limits. You don't need material wealth or sophisticated luxuries to navigate the oceans of ingenuity. The child, with his gaze full of wonder, stands at the center of the composition, surrounded by aged walls that whisper stories of times past. However, no crack, no wear, can dim the light that emanates from a free heart full of innocence.

The strokes, between thick and delicate, give life to this work, woven with the delicacy of nibs, the magic of brushes and Indian ink, which flows like a river of memories.

You can explore my career as an artist at the following link:

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