“Cartagena” thumbnail


08 may 2024 8:45 pm


"Navegantes: Inspirado en The Tall Ships Races en aguas escandinavas"

Título: “Cartagena”

Técnica: Acrylic and oil on canvas

Dimensiones: 90 x 120 cms

This work, a relic in itself, is a must-see in this exhibition.

Initially presented in the Collective Exhibition "Terra Australis," in collaboration with the Embassy of Chile, the master painter Ricardo Silva Cordero, and four talented Chilean artists represented by the La Antigua Gallery of Art, at the Intercontinental Hotel in Guatemala City.

Cartagena, nestled on the central coast of Chile, exudes unparalleled charm. In my university youth, I often visited with my camera, capturing images that I later converted into brushstrokes, immortalizing those majestic residences on canvas.

An aura of yesteryear permeated the environment, an echo of times past, a classic beauty that still resists the onslaught of time, turning this magical corner into one of my favorite destinations.

This painting challenges the viewer with a sea overflowing with boats, interwoven with the imposing mansions in decay.

A work of pure expression, where color and energy stand as undisputed protagonists, weaving an atmosphere where harmony finds its essence in the dance between the figures that interact, where the dichotomy of the line and the palette merge in perfect balance.

Here is some history about this beautiful town:

Cartagena, a commune and spa city on the central coast of Chile, has been shaped by European influences since the 19th century. After Independence, the presence of the British, French, and Germans enriched its coastal architecture. In 1850, it became Santiago's favorite spa, attracting vacationers who arrived by train to Leyda and continued by cart. The social center was established in Lo Abarca, 7 km away, although the coastal area, known as Playas de Cartagena, was popular with lovers. Although threatened by privateers, the region prospered under the control of the Lo Abarca family, consolidating in the mid-19th century with the construction of stately mansions. The city grew thanks to the mild climate and the arrival of imported materials from France and the United Kingdom. Starting in 1870, Cartagena became a destination for vacationers, experiencing a boom between 1890 and 1930. Although it lost its status as the main seaside resort in favor of Viña del Mar and Reñaca, Cartagena retains its charm as a popular destination in Chile.

You can explore my career as an artist at the following link:

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