Boosting the Innovation Projects of Your Company

Créé 24 jul 2023Actualisé 07 sep 2023

In today's business world, innovation is a key factor for long-term success and survival. Companies must stay agile and constantly adapt to excel in a competitive market. In this context, innovation events have become a powerful tool to foster creativity, collaboration, and the generation of new innovative projects. In this article, we will explore how companies can drive innovation projects by allowing their teams to present their ideas in interactive stands during these events.

What are innovation events and why are they important?

Innovation events are designed to promote the exchange of ideas and the development of new projects and solutions. These events bring together multidisciplinary teams within the company, providing a collaborative environment to work on specific challenges or explore new opportunities.

The importance of innovation events lies in their ability to:

  • Foster creativity and collaboration
  • Identify and develop high-impact projects
  • Promote learning and skill development
  • Strengthen the culture of innovation within the company

If you want to delve deeper into innovation events, we invite you to visit our previous blog article where we discuss how these events can drive an innovation culture in your company, and how Vcity can support you in organizing a great event:

Next, we present how interactive stands are a powerful tool to showcase the different innovation projects being developed in your company, allowing other colleagues with different perspectives and experiences to become familiar with them and provide valuable contributions.

Innovation experience virtual showroom at Vcity |
Innovation experience virtual showroom at Vcity

Interactive Stands: A Powerful Tool for Presenting Innovative Projects

An effective way to drive innovation projects during innovation events is through interactive stands. These stands provide a virtual space where multidisciplinary teams can present their projects and prototypes in an engaging and immersive manner to other colleagues or employees of the company. By presenting their projects, they can receive feedback from other teams and collaborators, allowing them to improve in areas where they may have weaknesses and achieve better results. That's why we believe that using interactive stands during innovation events can be of great assistance. Let's delve into the three key features of interactive stands:

1) Dynamic and Multimedia Presentations

Interactive stands allow for dynamic and interactive elements to present information, making it one of the most prominent and effective features to capture attention and create a lasting impact on the audience.

Let's see how this function enables innovation teams to unleash their creativity and communicate their ideas:

Images and Infographics

Interactive stands enable the presentation of various multimedia elements, such as images and infographics. With this feature, teams can create an immersive multimedia experience, providing clear and valuable information related to the innovation project they are developing.

In addition to images and infographics, these can be accompanied by calls to action, such as links to web pages for further information, videos, blogs, surveys, contact emails, and more. This provides innovation project teams with multiple tools to develop their presentations.

Share photographs, images, or infographics on your interactive stand to explain your innovation project clearly |
Share photographs, images, or infographics on your interactive stand to explain your innovation project clearly


Videos are a powerful tool to communicate stories and complex concepts in a simple and entertaining way. Teams can include explanatory videos that showcase how their project works, the advantages it offers, and how it will positively impact the company and its clients.

For instance, each team could feature a 1-minute video where they quickly explain the essence of their project and its benefits.

Use videos to communicate precise and clear ideas about your innovation project |
Use videos to communicate precise and clear ideas about your innovation project

3D Models

Depending on the innovation project, some stands may need to present an object or a prototype of what they are developing, and it would be very helpful to have a 3D model of that object with which visitors can interact to better understand its features. This model could have the option to interact with it in augmented reality, allowing people to place it in the real world and inspect properties such as size, color, details, etc.

Just like images and infographics, 3D models can also be accompanied by calls to action, enabling the team developing the innovation project to enhance the experience of their exhibition

Present 3D models of the objects you need to showcase in your interactive stand to better communicate the ideas behind your innovation projects |
Present 3D models of the objects you need to showcase in your interactive stand to better communicate the ideas behind your innovation projects

2) Direct Interaction Among Attendees

One of the key features of vcity technology is the ability to establish direct and enriching interactions with attendees during innovation events. Through this bidirectional and interactive dynamic, innovation teams can strengthen their projects and build connections with other collaborators and guests in a unique way, fostering seamless communication. We explore how this direct interaction can drive collaboration and enhance the experience of all participants:

Real-Time Feedback

Direct interaction enables teams to receive valuable real-time feedback. Attendees' comments, suggestions, and opinions can be exchanged instantly, facilitating the identification of improvement opportunities and informed decision-making. This interaction can take place through voice, chat, or even during live presentations conducted by the exhibiting team.

Moreover, by listening to questions, concerns, and perspectives, teams can adapt their presentation to address the specific needs of the audience. This persuasive dialogue builds trust in the project and piques the genuine interest of the attendees.

The comments, suggestions, and opinions of the attendees can be exchanged instantly, facilitating the identification of improvement opportunities and informed decision-making |
The comments, suggestions, and opinions of the attendees can be exchanged instantly, facilitating the identification of improvement opportunities and informed decision-making

Interactive Demonstrations and Presentations

Interactive stands offer the opportunity to conduct real-time demonstrations and presentations. Teams can showcase slides, prototypes, simulations, and practical examples that allow attendees to grasp the innovation project firsthand. This hands-on immersion reinforces understanding and the impact of the projects.

Enhanced Networking

The direct interaction at interactive stands fosters networking among teams and attendees from the same company. Spontaneous conversations can lead to strategic alliances, collaboration opportunities between departments, and professional connections that enrich the company's innovation ecosystem, helping to boost ongoing innovation projects and paving the way for future developments.

Enrich your company's innovation ecosystem by fostering greater collaboration between departments and professional connections |
Enrich your company's innovation ecosystem by fostering greater collaboration between departments and professional connections

3) Customized and Immersive Experiences

The key to driving innovation at events lies in offering experiences that arouse curiosity, creativity, and active participation from attendees. Depending on the strategy adopted by exhibiting teams, Vcity's interactive stands can provide a virtual environment of personalized and immersive experiences that capture participants' attention. Let's explore how this feature translates into an enriching experience for attendees:

Captivating Virtual Environments

Through Vcity's 3D technology, interactive stands can recreate captivating virtual environments that resemble reality or transport attendees to settings related to the showcased innovation projects.

From a high-tech factory to a futuristic city, the limit is set only by imagination and the teams' objectives.

Design the 3D scenario or interactive stand you need to showcase your innovation projects |
Design the 3D scenario or interactive stand you need to showcase your innovation projects

Guided or Free Tours

The way information is presented can change how people understand and accept it. With this in mind, teams can choose whether to offer guided tours led by a representative from the innovation team or allow attendees to explore the content freely.

This feature allows for the inclusion of techniques such as storytelling or gamification to develop their presentation and captivate the audience's interest. This flexibility provides each participant with the opportunity to experience the content at their own pace and style.

Presenting your innovation projects through guided tours could capture the attention of visitors and generate a better understanding of your ideas |
Presenting your innovation projects through guided tours could capture the attention of visitors and generate a better understanding of your ideas

Augmented Reality

As mentioned in the section on 3D models, Vcity's technology allows for the incorporation of augmented reality elements into the experiences, adding a touch of innovation, amazement, and differentiation. Attendees can interact with these elements to learn more about the innovation project and also see how they could be integrated into the real environment.

As an example, if the innovation project involves a new product for a laboratory, event participants can interact with it in the real world through augmented reality technology, identifying details, sizes, and physical characteristics.

Use Augmented Reality to create a stronger connection with the audience and provide interactive ideas |
Use Augmented Reality to create a stronger connection with the audience and provide interactive ideas

Drive your Company's Innovation Projects with Interactive Stands

In summary, interactive stands at innovation events are a powerful tool to propel innovation projects and foster a culture of creativity and collaboration within companies. With Vcity's technology, these experiences become even more enriching and engaging, allowing teams to share their ideas and visions in a way that maximizes the impact of the company's innovation projects.

Create Your Innovation Event and Transform Your Company's Future

Innovation is not just an option; it is the key to surviving and thriving in a constantly changing world. Dare to innovate and discover the power to transform the future!

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