“La Esmeralda contemplando a Valparaíso en llamas” thumbnail

“La Esmeralda contemplando a Valparaíso en llamas”

may 8 2024


Exposición: "Navegantes: Inspirado en The Tall Ships Races en aguas escandinavas"

Título: “La Esmeralda contemplando a Valparaíso en llamas”

Técnica: Acrylic and oil on canvas

Dimensiones: 100 x 100 cms

The training ship "Esmeralda" is a training ship of the Chilean Navy.

Although this ship did not participate in the Tall Ships Races in 2023, as a Chilean, it is impossible not to evoke it and bring it to sail in this exhibition.

I was absorbed in my painting work when, in February 2024, my country was shaken by an immense tragedy. The devastation caused by intentional fires, so common in recent years, hit Region V this time... Viña del Mar, my hometown, Valparaíso, Quilpué, and surrounding areas were largely consumed by the flames, causing terrible destruction and hundreds of deaths.

Not being able to be there and share the suffering of my compatriots immediately led me to remember this ship and pay tribute to all those who suffered this terrible attack.

As a catharsis, this painting helped me capture the sadness that overwhelmed me. Although it diverted me from the central theme of the exhibition, it focused me on the theme of the boat as a universal symbol that has accompanied humanity over the years.

Below you will find a sequence of photographs showing the process of this work.

You can see my career as an artist at the following link:

Sketch | vcity.io
Starting with acrylic pa<br> | vcity.io
Starting with acrylic pa
First brushstrokes with oil<br> | vcity.io
First brushstrokes with oil

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